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Thursday, August 1, 2013

New Mosaics

Well, my brother has been chiding me for not posting anything for over a month. The problem is I've been busy with commissions that have to be done by a certain time. So as Ree Drummond, the Pioneer Woman says on her blog, "Here's what's been happening on the ranch."

Teal Mosaic Mirror
I finished a 24" teal mirror for a client.

Coastal Collections, a new and very classy store on State Street, is now displaying my mosaics. Here is a picture of the mosaic rocks and mushrooms.

Mosaic Rocks and Mushrooms

I have another commision for a client in Hawaii. I don't want to say much about it yet as it's a surprise. I'll post pictures once it's been delivered.

I'm working on another house number for a friend. And I'm trying to finish up a mosaic to donate for my darling grand niece Miranda's upcoming Gala in Carlsbad. She is playing Liesl in Sound of Music, and the opening is next weekend. So that has to be finished by Friday so I can take it with me on the train.

There! That should placate my brother, and I promise to write more next week.

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