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Monday, August 27, 2012

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Big Bird

It's been a busy August but Big Bird is finally grouted! I used three different colors of grout that were in the mosaic - blue, red and yellow. I also put some glitter on although it's hard to tell in the picture. This is one of those mosaics where I think, well, that made it hard to see. But what can you do? I should remember not to put actual pictures under tempered glass. Or at least do a better job of it.

I also did finish three more mirrors which I will put in my next post. But for now I just want Big Bird  to fly into this post.

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Keeping up with my Weekly New Work Goal

I have been working on new mosaics! The mosaic above is a tempered glass piece that turned out looking like a bird. I started with a bouquet of Tuberous Begonias (left) made by a friend of mine. Then I put it in Photoshop and did a little Liquifying on it. Only when I showed it to friends did I see that there was a bird in the picture. This hasn't been grouted yet. I think I'll do two or three colors of grout.

On the right is a mosaic I am making for the American Begonia Society convention coming up soon. The picture is a botanical of Begonia boliviensis. I printed the picture on my large format Epson printer.Then I cut out glass squares and glued them down with Weldbond. Unfortunately some of the pieces (especially the long bottom glass piece) didn't get completely covered with glue and have a ripple effect. Hopefully grout will help to hide it.

To the right is another mosaic to enter in the ABS convention show. It is Begonia luxurians. It seems a little dull to me so I may spruce it up with some glitter somewhere. Martha Stewart has glitter paints that are transparent with only the glitter showing. I may try something like that on the sky.

And below we have a couple more mosaics; a cat rock and a big gold mirror, Neither is grouted yet. And I've been making Begonia rocks. I'll post a picture soon.

Still busy working on my mosaics!